29 September 2007

The Mystery of Cups and Glasses

Another day at the office, even though, yes, it's Saturday. I was just in Toronto for a week, and I cleaned up before I left. Now, back at the office, the lunch table is sticky, trash is lying here and there. How hard is it to put trash in the trash can? There are about 20 cups and glasses sitting about. The dishwasher sits empty. For there to be that many cups and glasses, each person who works here must have used a fresh cup or glass each time he/she had a drink of water, then left the cups and glasses sitting out on the table, on the counter, in the sink. Never in the dishwasher. Never in the dish drainer. Never in their office.

I know this is just about the most boring thing to write about of all time, but I DON'T UNDERSTAND! I just don't. These are all smart people. They know there is no maid, no servant, not even a lowly employee to clean up after them. I am left to believe that the people who work in this office just REALLY LIKE TO SEE about 20 cups and glasses sitting around. It's an aesthetic thing. Or some kind of an art project.

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