17 September 2007

The Sword Is Mightier Than The Pen

That other saying has been around so long, people just go on believing it means something anymore. Ha! Not that I'm cynical, but a fine example is Bill Belichick, recently, after being caught cheating. I watched the football game last night, just to see how a man who just got half a million dollars taken away from him might look while standing on the edge of a grassy field. No more designer suits for this guy, he was wearing on old sweatshirt with the sleeves cut off. His pants held up by a belt made of twine. He looked like his hair was cut with dull, pre-school scissors.

But I'm guessing that's how he always looks. I'm guessing he's NOT REALLY parting with half a million dollars. And I'm positive that if they keep winning, he will keep his job, and his popularity. He can even continue to cheat, as long as he doesn't get caught again.

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